PURCHASING Journey of a terminal for an association

1. Choose the terminal and its options

2. Signature of the order form, payment of the deposit

3. Creation of the visual and the video

4. Manufacturing and delivery of the terminal.

5. Placement of the terminal, and launch of the fundraising!

6. Monitoring of the collection of donations and optimizations. Personalized support, with our expertise.
DONATOR journey

1. I discover the associations on the terminal through presentation videos

2. I choose the beneficiary association

3. I choose the amount of the donation

4. I proceed to the payment

5. I receive my tax deduction

6. That’s it, I gave!

Now here are some factors, which can be boosters to fundraising.
Good location
Marketing and advertising at the point of sale
Counterpart (for example, for a donation of 100 €, the donor is offered a cinema ticket). The counterpart can be a maximum of 25% of the amount of the donation.
Lottery / gaming (for example, a donor is drawn and offered a trip)
All HeoH terminals are contactless and code-checked because :
Beware of contactless only solutions. Indeed, many contactless payments do not work, even if they are less than 50 EUR. For the following reasons:
- The number of consecutive contactless purchases is limited (between 4 and 8) before you have to insert your bank card and enter your code
- The cumulative purchase limit for contactless purchases is limited (between 80 and 150 EUR).
- French people but also foreigners do not have contactless.
- We measure in all our solutions that 15% of contactless payments cannot be made without checking the code.
We believe, along with the Payment Association, that this frequency rate will increase because of the probable increase in the contactless ceiling (100 EUR) and the possibility, in the new GIE Carte Bancaire standards, of entering one’s code without inserting the bank card in the payment terminal.